New Mexico FIRST® LEGO® League
Updates TBA
We are figuring out how the 2020-2021 season will work during the Covid-19 pandemic
Check back later
Learning from the past. From the ancient world to the present-day, our world has seen thousands of cities grow, thrive, and change over time.

As the population of FIRST City booms, we need to build around our people and our environment -– and we want to learn from the cities that have come before us to make sure our future community is the best it can be.

Let’s explore city life over time, and create new, innovative solutions to improve it for the future.
Let’s step out of our modern world and explore the evolution of cities past. Let’s see what we can learn from them.

How did these cities become the greatest of their times? What made them special? What mistakes did they make, in terms of their architecture? What did they NOT consider when they were building that they should have? How could they have been made better, knowing what we know now?

What solutions can we create now to help shape an optimal future? How can we use our environment, and modern-day tools and technology, to build FIRST City to last?
FLL Challenge
Core Values - Robot Game - Project

Each Challenge has three parts: the Robot Game, the Project , and the FIRST Core Values. 

Teams participate in the Challenge by programming an autonomous robot to score points on a themed playing field (Robot Game) - developing a solution to a problem they have identified (Project) - all guided by the FIRST Core Values. 

FIRST LEGO League teams then have the opportunity to participate attend an official tournament, hosted by FIRST LEGO League Partners, where they are evaluated in: Core Values, Project, & Robot Game categories.