New Mexico FIRST® LEGO® League
NM FLL Challenge Qualifier Tournaments

Qualifier Event Registration & payment is through NM FLL Events at

You will receive a welcome message from NM FLL Events once your team registration is uploaded from FIRST 

Registration will be open September 1- October 30 each season - any given qualifier may close earlier if it fills with paid teams

Registration fee is $55 - payment methods are by check or credit card through PayPal

All registrations are considered pending until payment is received
2024-2025 SUBMERGEDSM Qualifier Tournaments
Albuquerque - November 23, 2024
eREAD learning center
Albuquerque, NM
Jal - December 7, 2024
Jal High School
Jal, NM
Farmington - December 14, 2024
location Tibbets Middle School
Farmington, NM
Alamogordo - January 11, 2025
Alamogordo High School
Alamogordo, NM
New Mexico FLL Qualifier Advancement
Advancing team invitations are announced during the closing ceremony of each Qualifier 

Advancing team registration - see NM FLL Championship page 

Advancement Policy

Teams are eligible for advancement if they meet the following criteria as required by the FIRST LEGO League Participation Rules - participation rules

  • Teams are at their first official event of each tournament level for the season. For example, teams are only eligible for awards at the first qualifier they compete in each season.
  • Team members’ work must conform to the parameters and rules outlined in the Challenge overview, Engineering Notebook and Robot Game Rulebook.

Official Event judges look for balanced, strong performance across all areas; this means that all three judged areas (Core Values, Robot Design, and Innovation Project) and the Robot Performance are weighted equally (each worth 25% of the team’s overall score)

Advancement % =

(Championship venue capacity) / (Total number of teams registered for Qualifiers in NM Region)

Number of teams advancing from a Qualifier =

(Number of teams registered at the Qualifier) x (Advancement %)